Download NetXMS

NetXMS Version 4.5.6

Older versions can be found in archive.

Debian / Ubuntu Repositories

Download and install netxms-release-latest.deb package, which contain source list file of the repository as well as signing key for all supported distributions.

sha256sum netxms-release-latest.deb # should be 18db187d42946041ff5edfccd53982f309747420bf1374432713ace0029e34fa
sudo dpkg -i netxms-release-latest.deb
sudo apt-get update

Check our Administration manual for detailed guide.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Repository is available here. Simplest way to install is using "dnf config-manager":

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Check our Administration manual for detailed guide.


Repository is available here. Simplest way to install is using "dnf config-manager":

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Check our Administration manual for detailed guide.

Client Binaries

Platform Package Signature
Windows (x64) installer netxms-client-4.5.6-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG
Standalone nxmc-4.5.6-standalone.jar SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Windows (x64) installer netxms-legacy-gui-4.5.6-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Windows (x64) archive with JRE SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Windows (x64) archive SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Linux (x64) archive nxmc-4.5.6-linux-gtk-x64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Linux (aarch64) archive nxmc-4.5.6-linux-gtk-aarch64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - macOS (Intel) nxmc-4.5.6.dmg SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - macOS (Apple Silicon) nxmc-4.5.6-aarch64.dmg SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Android netxms-console-4.5.6.apk SHA256 , GPG
Web interface (war) nxmc-4.5.6.war SHA256 , GPG
Legacy - Web interface (war) nxmc-legacy-4.5.6.war SHA256 , GPG
Web interface (windows installer) netxms-webui-4.5.6-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG

Server Binaries

Platform Package Signature
Windows (x64) netxms-server-4.5.6-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG

Agent Binaries

Platform Package Signature
Windows (x86) nxagent-4.5.6.exe SHA256 , GPG
Windows (x64) nxagent-4.5.6-x64.exe SHA256 , GPG
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (x64) nxagent-4.5.6-rhel8-x86_64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (x64) nxagent-4.5.6-rhel7-x86_64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (x86) nxagent-4.5.6-linux-x86.apkg SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (x86) nxagent-4.5.6-linux-x86.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (x64) nxagent-4.5.6-linux-x86_64.apkg SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (x64) nxagent-4.5.6-linux-x86_64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (arm) nxagent-4.5.6-linux-arm.apkg SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (static, x86) nxagent-4.5.6-linux-x86-static.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic Linux (static, x64) nxagent-4.5.6-linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
AIX (7.1 and higher) nxagent-4.5.6-aix7.1-ppc64.apkg SHA256 , GPG
AIX (7.1 and higher) nxagent-4.5.6-aix7.1-ppc64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
AIX (6.1 and higher) nxagent-3.8.463-aix6.1-ppc64.apkg SHA256 , GPG
AIX (6.1 and higher) nxagent-3.8.463-aix6.1-ppc64.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Solaris 11 (sparc) nxagent-4.5.6-solaris-sparc.apkg SHA256 , GPG
Solaris 11 (sparc) nxagent-4.5.6-solaris-sparc.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Solaris 11 (x86) nxagent-4.5.6-solaris-i386.apkg SHA256 , GPG
Solaris 11 (x86) nxagent-4.5.6-solaris-i386.tar.gz SHA256 , GPG
Generic UNIX (source) nxagent-4.5.6.apkg SHA256 , GPG

Integration tools

Package Signature
netxms-websvc-4.5.6.warHTTP/REST API server SHA256 , GPG
nxshell-4.5.6.jarPython-based interactive shell and sripting engine SHA256 , GPG
netxms-jira-connector-3.7.jarJira plugin for integration with NetXMS SHA256 , GPG

Source Code

Package Signature
netxms-4.5.6.tar.gzSource package SHA256 , GPG

Java API

All Java API components are available in Maven Central Repository ( netxms-base, netxms-client ) or any mirror.


Signing key C72F55498B31A527181D91D9179C0A80CDFADDB1 is available here or at any public key server.


pub   rsa4096 2015-03-29 [SC] [expires: 2024-03-24]
      C72F 5549 8B31 A527 181D  91D9 179C 0A80 CDFA DDB1
uid           [ unknown] NetXMS Automatic Signing Key <[email protected]>
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