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Messages - foxcomm

General Support / Re: Client icons
June 13, 2024, 02:24:32 AM
Has this been resolved? Seeing the same client icons in yellow (unreadable) on Windows Server 2022 under latest NetXMS client release for windows version 5.04. Unable to install the workaround mentioned above (using web interface) due to software conflicts.

Thank You
Filipp --

Thanks for that. Worked great!
General Support / Database Upgrade Fails 3.8.366
May 25, 2021, 08:08:11 AM
We upgraded from NetXMS 3.8.314 to 3.8.366 (Under Windows 2019 Server using Microsoft SQL 2019) and the database upgrade is failing. nxdbmgr error below. Anyone have any ideas on how to proceed? Thanks

E:\NetXMS\bin\nxdbmgr.exe -t upgrade
NetXMS Database Manager Version 3.8.366 Build 3.8-366-gd7bdc676e2 (UNICODE)

Upgrading database...
Upgrading from version 38.16 to 38.17
>>> ALTER TABLE alarms ADD rule_description varchar(255)
>>> UPDATE alarms SET rule_description=(SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(comments, ?, ' '), ?, ' '), ?, ' '), '  ', ' ') FROM event_policy WHERE event_policy.rule_guid=alarms.rule_guid)
SQL query failed ([Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Argument data type text is invalid for argument 1 of replace function.):
UPDATE alarms SET rule_description=(SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(comments, ?, ' '), ?, ' '), ?, ' '), '  ', ' ') FROM event_policy WHERE event_policy.rule_guid=alarms.rule_guid)
Rolling back last stage due to upgrade errors...
Database upgrade failed
>>> SELECT var_value FROM metadata WHERE var_name='PendingOnlineUpgrades'