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Messages - nexusguy59

General Support / Configuration of NetXMS
February 08, 2016, 09:10:51 PM
Hello Everyone,

          This is my really first in depth try at using NetXMS, I have a db server in stalled on Windows Server 2008 R2 and I have the NetXMS Server installed on another node/host with Windows Server 2008 R2 and after a few hiccups with the install I finally got to configure it but now I am seeing some odd stuff in my Alarms, NetXMS is a VM and The Database is a Physical Server. Please see the attachment for the anomoly I am seeing.
These appear to be some type of tunnel but I can't figure out what purpose they are for.

[Minor]   CFMON (NetXMS)   Interface "Local Area Connection* 8" changed state to DOWN (IP Addr: UNSPEC/0, IfIndex: 11)
[Minor]   CFMON (NetXMS)   Interface "Local Area Connection* 8" changed state to DOWN (IP Addr: UNSPEC/0, IfIndex: 11)

[Minor]   cfdatabase (Database)   Interface "Local Area Connection* 8" changed state to DOWN (IP Addr: UNSPEC/0, IfIndex: 11)

I am not sure what this is telling me. There is only 1 NIC in each system, So I can't figure out why this is going on.

Thanks in advance for your help,