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General Support / Dashboard edit mode
December 28, 2015, 03:42:00 AM
Its not an option that I can see in version 1.2.17 (Just refresh, minimize, maximize in top right of view)
Do I have to be in 2.0-RC2 for that to show?

General Support / No route to host
December 04, 2015, 05:41:37 AM
Fresh install I moved to the network today.  Sitting down to login for the first time I get a pop up on the login screen after selecting login that says "no route to host".  Hit okay and it returns me to login.
I am coming up short on forum search for fix to this.  Can anyone share a post that I must be missing?

Thanks in advance
General Support / SQL Command Line run nxdbmgr then....
September 27, 2015, 11:05:13 PM
IP locked for some damn reason so forum research tells me to run nxdbmgr check.  Doing so results in -> and that is it.  Just a cursor blinking at me.  How do I get it to run the command and simply not drop to an empty line?

General Support / SNMP configuration option error bug
September 22, 2015, 09:51:21 PM
Getting into the meat of things with the new install.  Following through the videos and setting up basic SNMP communities and creds.
In saving the changes, I get a pop-up:
"Save SNMP Configuration has encountered a problem.  Error while saving SNMP configuration job: Invalid thread access"
All I can do is okay or cancel.

I select okay, and exit out of the tab and am prompted with another window stating I did not save the file.  I went ahead and said save it, and no error came up.  Re-opened the SNMP config tab and my settings were still there, which is good.

General Support / Failing install at create database
September 21, 2015, 01:05:25 AM
Hello forum
Installing the latest NetXMS RC on a win 7 32bit machine.  Have installed mySQL 5.6 and setup admin for the account.  I can only go so far into the server config installer before failing at creating database.  Get
SQL Query failed: Create Database netxms_db

Researching forum I see instances where permissions for my admin users may not be sufficient.  Okay, I dig into mysql syntax to run on the command line client and do so.
grant all privileges on *.* to 'user'@'localhost';
flush privileges

Query comes back okay but I get same results on the server configuration.

What else could I be missing?
Hello forum members.
Launched a new network with just a few assets and would like to jump out the gate with adequate monitoring.  So, I have installed NetXMS on a Win7 VM and have set off to getting my mikrotiks to communicate.
The video series is great and most useful but I find my limited experience in SNMP to be consuming far too much time.  I would like to enlist the assistance of a more experienced NetXMS user for a couple hours to discuss configuration tips and tricks and work with me to get the new network speaking to the NMS.
I would appreciate a DM from those interested.

Thanks for your time.