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Topics - Alec

./configure --with-server --with-mysql --with-agent еще отрабатывается нормально
а на make вылетает с критом...

Making all in netxmsd
  CXXLD  netxmsd
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `StringList::replace(int, char const*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/libnxmap/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::getValueUInt(char const*, unsigned int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::addFormattedString(char const*, ...)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Table::addColumn(char const*, int, char const*, bool)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/libnxmap/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::setValue(char const*, unsigned int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `ConfigEntry::findEntry(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::addFormattedStringV(char const*, __va_list_tag*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/libnxlp/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::addString(char const*, unsigned int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `GeoLocation::GeoLocation(int, char const*, char const*, int, long)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::operator=(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `ConfigEntry::getSubEntryValueUInt(char const*, int, unsigned int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `LoadRSAKeys(char const*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/libnxmap/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::setValue(char const*, int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `ConfigEntry::getSubEntryValueInt(char const*, int, int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `CSCPMessage::GetVariableStr(unsigned int, char*, unsigned int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `StringMapBase::setObject(char*, void*, bool)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::parseTemplate(char const*, NX_CFG_TEMPLATE*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/libnxmap/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::setValue(char const*, char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `AgentGetParameterArgA(char const*, int, char*, int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::loadConfig(char const*, char const*, bool)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `ConfigEntry::setName(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `EscapeStringForXML2(char const*, int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `ConfigEntry::getSubEntries(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Table::findRowByInstance(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `NXCPMessageCodeName(unsigned short, char*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Table::setPreallocatedAt(int, int, char*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/libnxmap/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::getValue(char const*, char const*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/server/libnxsrv/.libs/ undefined reference to `StringList::StringList(char const*, char const*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/db/libnxdb/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::setBuffer(char*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `StringList::add(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Table::setAt(int, int, char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::getEntry(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::find(char const*, int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::subStr(int, int, char*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/server/libnxsrv/.libs/ undefined reference to `StringList::join(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `StringMapBase::getObject(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Table::getColumnIndex(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `ConfigEntry::getSubEntryValue(char const*, int, char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `StringList::getIndexIgnoreCase(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Table::buildInstanceString(int, char*, unsigned long)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `EscapeStringForXML(char const*, int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::loadXmlConfigFromMemory(char const*, int, char const*, char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `SendFileOverNXCP(int, unsigned int, char const*, NXCPEncryptionContext*, long, void (*)(long, void*), void*, netxms_mutex_t*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::operator+=(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::String(char const*)'
/root/netxms-1.2.8/src/libnxmap/.libs/ undefined reference to `Config::getValueInt(char const*, int)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `ConfigEntry::getOrderedSubEntries(char const*)'
../core/.libs/ undefined reference to `String::replace(char const*, char const*)'
*** [netxmsd] Error code 1

Stop in /root/netxms-1.2.8/src/server/netxmsd.
*** [all-recursive] Error code 1

Stop in /root/netxms-1.2.8/src/server.
*** [all-recursive] Error code 1

Stop in /root/netxms-1.2.8/src.
*** [all-recursive] Error code 1

Stop in /root/netxms-1.2.8.
*** [all] Error code 1

Stop in /root/netxms-1.2.8.