HTTP Service Check

Started by MEVALDEZ, October 27, 2009, 09:30:52 PM

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NETXMS Team and Users Group,

I am using the following HTTP Service Check format listed below. My question is can NETXMS view the keepalive.html page inside the "/folder/"?

ServiceCheck.HTTP(,80,/folder/keepalive.html,,"^HTTP/1\.[01] 200.*")

I keep getting a number "3" response or "bad server's response".

Other HTTP Service Checks I have setup on this same server are using the format below and they are working just fine:

ServiceCheck.HTTP(,80,/index.html,,"^HTTP/1\.[01] 200.*")

I wonder if the extra "/folder/" makes a difference.



Alex Kirhenshtein


Yes, it should work perfectly well.

Actually, I've verified your check and it works fine:
alk@wall:~$ /tmp/nx/bin/nxget -w 100 localhost 'ServiceCheck.HTTP(,80,/folder/keepalive.html,,"^HTTP/1\.[01] 200.*")'
alk@wall:~$ mkdir /var/www/default/folder/
alk@wall:~$ touch /var/www/default/folder/keepalive.html
alk@wall:~$ /tmp/nx/bin/nxget -w 100 localhost 'ServiceCheck.HTTP(,80,/folder/keepalive.html,,"^HTTP/1\.[01] 200.*")'

Please check that URL is available, also check with some tool like wget or curl.

You can also send me a private message with problematic URL (if it's publicly available) and I'll check it myself.


Problem solved. Thank you very much.