Why do I keep getting this error? "Request is out of state"

Started by Kevo, November 01, 2017, 03:38:55 PM

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I am getting this error, "Cannot modify data collection object: Request is out of state", a lot.

If I close what I'm working on and reopen it then everything seems to work fine. I was unable to find any info when searching on this error, so I'm not sure what I should be looking at to try and resolve it. Anyone know what this means?

Victor Kirhenshtein


seems like a bug, either in UI or server. What version you are using? Could you please share client log file (usually .nxmc/data/.metadata/.log in user's home directory).

Best regards,


I cleared the log and relaunched the management console. Here is the full log up until the first error. To get it, I edited some fields in the DCI config of my template performance tab and applied them. Then applied the template to the node I am testing which was already using the template. I viewed the graphs in the performance tab of the node, and then repeated that process again. When applying performance tab changes in the template the second time I got the error.

!MESSAGE NXCSession.connect: Connected to server version 2.1.2

!ENTRY org.netxms.ui.eclipse.console 0 0 2017-11-02 07:46:28.727
!MESSAGE NXCSession.login: CMD_LOGIN_RESP received, RCC=0

!ENTRY org.netxms.ui.eclipse.console 1 0 2017-11-02 07:46:28.727
!MESSAGE NXCSession.connect: alarmListDisplayLimit = 4096

!ENTRY org.netxms.ui.eclipse.console 1 0 2017-11-02 07:46:28.728
!MESSAGE NXCSession.connect: succesfully logged in, userId=1

!ENTRY org.netxms.ui.eclipse.console 4 0 2017-11-02 07:51:17.843
!MESSAGE Exception in ConsoleJob
org.netxms.client.NXCException: Request is out of state
at org.netxms.client.NXCSession.waitForRCC(NXCSession.java:1629)
at org.netxms.client.NXCSession.waitForRCC(NXCSession.java:1596)
at org.netxms.client.datacollection.DataCollectionConfiguration.modifyObject(DataCollectionConfiguration.java:227)
at org.netxms.ui.eclipse.datacollection.api.DataCollectionObjectEditor$2.runInternal(DataCollectionObjectEditor.java:81)
at org.netxms.ui.eclipse.jobs.ConsoleJob.run(ConsoleJob.java:85)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)

!ENTRY org.netxms.ui.eclipse.datacollection 4 5 2017-11-02 07:51:17.849
!MESSAGE Cannot modify data collection object: Request is out of state


I forgot to mention that I was getting these in the web client as well and switched over to the native Mac client to see if that would help. So I don't think it's client specific. The server is Debian 8.9 under lxc on proxmox installed from the netxms repo with postgres.