Juniper Product infos are not recognized

Started by samuelet, October 25, 2022, 01:38:07 PM

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Product/vendor/serial infos are not recognized by netxms on these juniper swtches:
ex4200 firmware 15.1
ex2200 firmware 12.xxxx
ex4550 firmware 15.1rxxxx

Immagine 2022-10-25 122444.png

This bug leds also to another behaviour.
If a well-recognized switch is phisically substituted with one of the above unrecognized models, the infos are not updated (emptied as i would expect) thus mantaining the old switch productname. I need to do a full poll to delete wrong infos and get the situation of the first image.

Immagine 2022-10-25 123235.png

Victor Kirhenshtein

Currently NetXMS uses Entity MIB for getting hardware information for Juniper devices. Looks like those models does not support Entity MIB.
Do you know if Juniper priovides model and serial number information via private MIB? If yes, we can update Juniper driver to use it.

As for retaining old hardware information - it is a bug (or rather flawed logic). Existing hardware information kept in place if server cannot read it from the device to avoid erasing it because of read error. I think that best solution will be device replacement detection (likely based on MAC address change and probably also hardware model change) and running full poll if it is detected. Added it as feature in our tracker:


Here you can download the official Juniper Networks SNMP MIB packages
And a handy navigator through the SNMP MIB Object hierarchy

Looked deeper, your program is already equipped with the necessary MIBs, but the Product and Serial number are not really displayed.

In the MIB Explorer:

Victor Kirhenshtein

I've updated Juniper driver to use this MIB if available. Changes will be included into next patch release.

Best regards,