Generic HTTP Notification Channel

Started by mashedpotatorocket, December 15, 2022, 01:54:51 PM

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My SMS provider is not listed among the available Notification Channels in NetXMS. They have a very simple http API, the documentation gives this HTTP GET example:


Would it be possible to include a generic HTTP Notification Channel in NetXMS where I can specify an URL with some custom variables/macros in the DriverConfiguration?

Best regards,

Filipp Sudanov

There is "Shell" notification channel which just calls a shell command on the NetXMS server. You can use it to call curl with appropriate parameters.


That turned out to work quite well actually. I added som debug outputs to see the responses.

Command=curl.exe -vs -o C:\Temp\pixieresponse_${recipient}.txt -G "${recipient}&sender=Company" --data-urlencode "message=${text}" 2>C:\Temp\pixiedebug_${recipient}.txt

Thanks for your help.