using value of other DCI in description

Started by nurlan.farajov, March 18, 2015, 01:12:41 PM

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I want to create event with message that includes node's used physical memory, and also includes total physical memory. can you help me please?

Alex Kirhenshtein


It depends on what you want to achieve.
If you need that for notifications – you can use custom script to format message("%[ScriptName]" macro). Example:

And script ("CustomScript" in script library):if ($event->id == 17) { // SYS_THRESHOLD_REACHED, adjust to real event
if ($event->parameters[1] == "System.Memory.Physical.Used") { // $1 is "Parameter name" for SYS_THRESHOLD_REACHED
total = GetDCIValueByName($node, "System.Memory.Physical.Total");
return "Too much physical memory used (" . $event->parameters[4] . "), total: (" . total . ")"; // $4 is "Actual value"
return $event->message;

This is just an example, you need to adjust it to match your setup (e.g. if this action is used only for specific event in EPP, you can omit $event->id check the script).

A bit more about using scripts in actions:

If you need event with both values (e.g. for further processing), you can post custom event from transformation or threshold script (