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Node down and situation setup

Started by sharpspro, March 18, 2015, 03:16:49 AM

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I'm trying to get NetXMS to email me when a PRIMARY interface NODE is down and not the SECONDARY interface NODE. I created a node called NIC01 and a node called NIC02. The secondary NIC02 will not work if the primary NIC01 is down. I want NIC02 to report only if NIC01 is still up.

I used the following link and other posts and could not get it figured out.

Below is what i have now:

1. Open Situations and Create situation called "NodeDown"

2. Using the SYS_NODE_DOWN event in Event Configuration

3. Open Event Processing Policy

4. Created  Event Processing Policy
- Situtation object: NodeDown
- Instance: %n
- Attribute: NAME: status  VALUE: 1

5. Created  Event Processing Policy
- Filtering Script: SEE BELOW

sub main()
   s1 = FindSituation("NodeDown", "NIC01");
   isDownA = (s1 != null) ? s1->status : 0;
   s2 = FindSituation("NodeDown", "NIC02");
   isDownB = (s2 != null) ? s2->status : 0;
   return s1 && s2;

What am I missing? Do i need that 2nd Policy at step 5? or do I add the script on the first policy, where i defined the situation.

Any help on this would be great. I love NetXMS and I have been tasked with figuring this out. Figuring this part out would be a great achievement for me.

Thanks for any help on this