Icmp-only proxy with zoning

Started by samuelet, July 11, 2023, 11:03:06 AM

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What is the right procedure to create a proxy, in a zone, with only icmp proxying features (snmp discover should be left to netxms server itself) ?
From the section "Setting communication options for zones" (doc https://www.netxms.org/documentation/adminguide/advanced.html) it seems i could set a default ICMP proxy, but from the netxms legacy client i cannot be so granular, i can only set a generic proxy in "Communication" -> "proxy nodes" zone property, that i suppose will do also snmp discover.
Setting icmp proxy in node property instead works as expected, but this is not manageable with many nodes.
My Agent Proxy config:

# Log File
# IP white list, can contain multiple records separated by comma.
# CIDR notation supported for subnets.


Filipp Sudanov

Yes, setting proxy on a zone means that this proxy is used for everything - icmp, snmp, etc.

Can you explain your use-case - why it's not desirable that proxy does snmp operations?


Not a real use-case, reading the doc page i simply thought to scale using dedicated servers for snmp and ping.