Telegram Issues

Started by Jebesa Temesgen ( Jabaa ), February 17, 2023, 10:45:36 AM

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Jebesa Temesgen ( Jabaa )


Is there any one have  an idea regarding Telegram notification setting up process. I tried by setting the debug ncd.telegram 7 but still the log saying driver is not initialized, please help me




Can you share with us the server version and the system / OS you are running the server on?
Also, it would be good to share the server log file section where it shows the driver initialization is failing.

Thank you

Jebesa Temesgen ( Jabaa )

Thanks for your reply.

the server version I am using is windows 4.3.1

2023.02.17 14:10:39.660 *E* [ncd.telegram      ] Telegram API call failed, driver configuration could be incorrect
2023.02.17 14:10:39.660 *E* [nc                ] Unable to create instance of driver Telegram
2023.02.17 14:10:39.660 *D* [nc                ]    Configuration: AuthToken = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

Thanks for your responses.

Jebesa Temesgen ( Jabaa )

Here the notification channel config

Victor Kirhenshtein

Make sure you have debug level set to 6 for tag ncd.telegram, then look for messages with this tag that precedes line "Telegram API call failed, driver configuration could be incorrect" - there should be more information about failure reason.

Best regards,