
We really need your input in this questionnaire

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Started by lindeamon, December 18, 2011, 02:03:20 PM

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i have shutdown all my lab and the netxms server last so i have received all the "node down" alarms.
today i have fired up everything {the netxms server was not fired up first} and i have watched the console to see that everything is up and here is the thing.
i took a workstation for example and i saw that i have a "node down" alarm although when checking the node i saw that netxms has discovered the net int. as up but no sys_node_up was received hence the "node down" alarm was not closed,even after 5 hours.i have not touched the server's configuration so the defaults are applied.

when "SYS_NODE_UP" is sent ?
what is wrong ?

Best Regards,


i have forgot to mention that i have a lot of nodes with this same situation.


i have found out {tell me if i am wrong } that a node that was fired up after the netxms server was started received a sys_node_up and the node_down alarm was terminated automatically.
when will the server receive node_sys_up again for nodes started before the netxms server was started ?


Victor Kirhenshtein


Server only generates SYS_NODE_UP event for nodes that was previously down. The "down" state is not preserver between server restarts, so if node was started during NetXMS server restart, it marks it as "up" during first poll, and SYS_NODE_UP never generated. I agree that this is not correct. I'll add it to my to-do list, and will fix it (probably by preserving "down" state across server restarts).

Best regards,


hi victor,

thank you very much.
will it be fixed in the next release ?

Best Regards,