Prevent Alert Storm

Started by suphu, May 16, 2013, 07:25:22 PM

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Is there a way to prevent an Alert Storm?  I monitor the Application and System event logs and on one server the application services generated 18K+ errors.  I received an Alert (email) for each of those errors.  Is there a configuration that could monitor how many errors were generated and when over a set threshold, suppress Alerts, and generate an "Email Storm Alert"?


Victor Kirhenshtein


You can turn on global event storm detection by setting server's configuration variable EnableEventStormDetection to 1 (you'll have to restart server). You can set number of events to trigger event storm condition in EventStormEventsPerSecond parameter, and for how many seconds number of events mus be above threshold in EventStormDuration parameter.
Another option is to implement counter using situations, and don't send email if certain threshold reached.

Best regards,