SMS notification with websms.sms. Where is my fault ?

Started by heizeberg, March 30, 2015, 04:33:14 PM

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i tried to configure the sms notification

My Config:

AllowDirectSMS =1
smsDriver = websms.sms

I have register me on the website and use my username and password in the SMSdrvCofig. Or i must use other login data ?

SMSdrvConfig: login=user;password=password

Then i test the SMS with: Tools - Send SMS
But no SMS Notification on my phone

Server log: Listening for mobile device connection on tcp socket :::4747

Ist my Configuration right ?

Victor Kirhenshtein


configuration parameters are case-sensitive, so make sure you define it as SMSDriver and SMSDrvConfig. Set debug level to 4 or higher, then you should see websms driver diagnostic messages (they started with prefix WebSMS).

Best regards,


Please practical description of the settings for sending SMS from NETXMS through web pages specifically for me through: NETXMS is installed on FEDORA21

Alex Kirhenshtein


Driver from this thead (websms) is designed to work with service

I've got in touch with eurosms guys and requested API – we'll add support in couple of days.

Quote from: juko on August 26, 2015, 12:38:22 PM
Please practical description of the settings for sending SMS from NETXMS through web pages specifically for me through: NETXMS is installed on FEDORA21