Nodes produce Down-Error for 1-2 minutes

Started by joe5th, June 04, 2013, 05:59:20 PM

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Hello NetXMS Forum,

I have sucessfully configured a NetXMS-Monitoring Server and added some Nodes with SNMP and NXAgent's. The Nodes are connected through a proxy-server, because they are in a NAT-separated network.

Now I have one problem which causes some trouble: Occassionally the Nodes are marked "Down" for 1-3 minutes without a reason (I checked that of course).
I thought it might be the proxy which isn't forwarding the ping correctly, but maybe you have another tip for me?

Thanks in advance.


Victor Kirhenshtein


When node will be shown as down again, try to run status poll from console and post it's output. Also, check log of agents running as proxy - they could exceed maximum number of allowed connections, so you may need to increase it.

Best regards,