Automatic Apply Rule for template not working

Started by ChrisC, September 17, 2021, 10:53:46 AM

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I am trying to make some SNMP templates for devices, but I am having trouble getting them to apply automatically.
For example, I want to log the POE power usage for switches.
I can apply them manually and they work, but if I leave it for NetXMS to apply them automatically, nothing happens.
Please see the attached image.
For some switches, there is no 2nd PSU, could this be why it doesn't apply automatically?

Secondly, for switches that don't have a second PSU, is there any way of making the 2nd set of DCIs (1435, 1436 and 1437) optional so it doesn't error?
I assume I should really be using a loop somehow to find anything under the root of the PSU OID, but I have no idea how to do that yet!

Filipp Sudanov

In context menu of that node you can select "Execute server script" and try your script there; The node that you right-clicked will be available as $node, so all the attributes will be there.
You can do
println $node->snmpOID;

to see what's actually in there.

Match operation ~= looks to be correct, but you could just use simple comparison with == , then you'd not need to escape with backslashes.
In out-of-the-box templates there's e.g. SNMP->UPS->APC that has automatic apply rule that is checking some SNMP data.

The other debugging approach is to use
PollerTrace("your text");
trace(0, "your text");
First one will produce debug output in nxmc when you do Poll-> Configuration poll from node context menu.
Second will put debug to server log (at debug level 0 in this example)

Victor Kirhenshtein


\ is an escape character in NXSL string, so for actually passing \ to regex processor, you can escape it, like this: "^\\.1\\.3\\.6".

In simple cases you can use like instead of regexp matching. For example, to match all OIDs starting with . you can use condition

if (oid like ".*")
   /* match, dio something */

Best regards,


Thanks, it was the "\" causing the problems.
Once I found the contents of println $node->snmpOID; for the node and use that, it applied with out problems.
Using "like" will also help for other templates I am trying to make.