Dial Charts - reversing colour bands

Started by Taomyn, June 12, 2013, 06:57:43 PM

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Very new to NetXMS and very much amazed with the product so far - great job.

One question of probably many more to come, but with Dial Charts is there any way to reverse the colour bands? What I mean is that I want to create them to reflect percentage disk space free but I want the red band to start at 0 and go to 10, then from 10 to 20 be yellow and the rest to 100 be green. When I try to enter values for this I end up with a mess. Can I achieve this?


This should be really easy.
Notice the setting columns start from "Left red zone end", this literally means you can have red zones at beginning and at the end too.

For your needs these settings should work:
Minimum value : 0.0
Maximum value : 100.0
Left red zone end : 10.0 (end at 10.0, meaning it starts from Minimum value)
Left yellow zone end : 20.0 (end at 20.0, starting from Left red zone end)
(green zone between)
Right yellow zone start : 100.0 (starts "after" Maximum value - not showing yellow zone)
Right red zone start : 100.0 (starts "after" Maximum value - not showing red zone)
Place legend inside dial only moves the legend inside the dial and it comes from data source Display name (in my case I used CPU DCI).

Attached dial how it looks:


That's excellent, thanks they worked perfectly now.

I think it was the 100s in the last two fields that I was not getting right.