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Graphs - network cards

Started by lindeamon, April 03, 2012, 07:08:55 PM

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i have opened a switch node and right clicked on a certain switch port and i have asked it to create a transport dci and it did.
then i went and edited the dci's so that they will show the data in the performance tab and it went ok.
my problem is that the dci shows the data so it is working but the performance tab do not show anything.
is there any change that i had to do ?


Victor Kirhenshtein


There are bug in console that it does not shows new DCIs on performance tab immediately, only after selection change in object tree. Try to select another node and then your switch again and check if new DCI is there.

Best regards,


hi victor,

it's good to be back after a while.
i have done what you said already and it did not work.
i will try it again.

Best Regards,