Change of default event attributes

Started by Marcin, May 21, 2015, 02:17:51 PM

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Is it possible to change default event attributes in the filtering script?
Based on the SNMP varbind I would like to modify severity of the event and then create correct alarm.

I tried:
$event->severity = 1;
but I get an error while compiling processing policy rule: "Unknown object's attribute"

I tried also: SetEventParameter($event, severity, 1);
but without success.

Best regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein


currently it is not possible. I've just added new methods to NXSL class "Event": setMessage, setSeverity, setUserTag. They will be included in release 2.0-M5. Then you'll be able to use script like this:

$event->setSeverity(2);  // change severity to minor

Best regards,