On Call Schedule

Started by Guillaume, June 10, 2015, 10:02:38 PM

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Hello everyone!

I am continuing NetXMS's implementation in our network and I am now facing a big question:

How can I set up On-call alerts, just like Nagios did?

What I want to achieve is:
-Globally setup a user (target e-mail and SMS phone number) that will receive every alert for a given period of time
-Switch between 2 users (the 2 SysAdmins) within a bi-weekly schedule
-Make the email and sms alerts "repeatable" until acknowledged (I could not find the option "repeat event" in the events configuration...)

What I have read that would be possible to do so far with NetXMS:
-Setup 2 DCI's for every DCI that I have so far with a schedule for each user, so only the DCI's associated with a given user's schedule will fire events to send an email
-Make a script that will receive every alert (SMS and e-mail) and dispatch them to the concerned user

Is there some other solution that I am missing? Because the first one is kind of not efficient and the second one is basically creating an external tool to maintain...

Thanks for any input/suggestions


Why not just handle all of this in EPP with nxsl scripts?
You can filter based on time and create really complex rules to fire emails/sms's, etc.

There are already some examples on the forums and the wiki.



First of all thanks for the lightning-fast response. I was aware of the scripting language specific to NetXMS, but did not know I could use it to bypass the mail and sms sending mechanisms.

I did a brief research through the forums and the Wiki but did not find precise documentation on how exactly to fire an email and/or an sms with NXSL scripting. Could you give me some pointers on that specific subject?

Also, is there a way to "read" a file from NXSL where I could put a schedule to use as an indicator of who's on guard duty?


You need to handle everything within EPP (Event Processing Policy).

General howto here:

Then in the EPP filtering script, you need to filter out depending on the times you require.
You can use these threads as an inspiration:

More info on nxsl (NetXMS Scripting Language):

More info on the 'time' class within nxsl:

If you have more questions, either post here, or come visit us in the IRC channel :)