Nodes with individual DCI Icmp.Ping problems

Started by jacuinde, April 19, 2021, 09:19:42 PM

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Hi, when i create a{instance}) on a DCI from a node, i thought it would ping the primary IP address but it doesnt

i see that i can do a and in the transformation script i can pull the Primary IP Address and run with that address and return the correct value

I know i can create the targets in the subagent PING section but i would like to have each node with their own ping DCI

Filipp Sudanov

In recent versions NetXMS is performing ICMP ping to node's primary IP address automatically and collects the statistics visible in Object Details. You can also create DCIs to store the history of these values.

If you are trying to achieve something different, please describe in details.


I got confused and thought that i had to ping the nodes with{instance}) but i got it resolved with help from the telegram group with the following DCI


That automatically pings the Primary IP in the node that you create it

Thanks!!! NetXMS has a loooooonnggg learning curve because im spolied from PRTG. but im still working it out lol