Not storing incoming syslogs

Started by Victor Wiebe, April 03, 2015, 03:53:45 PM

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Victor Wiebe

I have a wireless device sending syslog to NetXMS. I see the syslogs coming in via tcpdump (I've cut and pasted a sample output below). However, the logs do not seem to be stored in the db.  The device itself - 'aruba-controller' - is added as a node in NetXMS. I've searched for this hostname and I've searched for all logs with a severity of 'debug' for the timeframe, and I cannot find the logs. Am I missing a configuration somewhere?

root@event-nmgt:/home/vwiebe# tcpdump -i em1 src and port 514 -A -v
tcpdump: listening on em1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
08:51:00.735117 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 162) > SYSLOG, length: 134
   Facility local1 (17), Severity debug (7)
   Msg: Apr  3 08:51:06 2015 aruba-controller lldp[3704]: <235002> <DBUG> <aruba-controller>  LLDP Recv PKT at ingress 8448
.......R_<143>Apr  3 08:51:06 2015 aruba-controller lldp[3704]: <235002> <DBUG> <aruba-controller>  LLDP Recv PKT at ingress 8448

Victor Kirhenshtein


do you have syslog server enabled on NetXMS server? if yes, check that netxmsd listen on port 514. Try to enable debug level 6 and check netxmsd log records with word "syslog" in them.

Best regards,