last month presets

Started by danielE, April 07, 2015, 06:31:24 PM

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 i always get request time out when i want to set the preset to a month old. is there way to fix this? let me know. thanks!


Need more information:

What NetXMS version?
What database used?
How many DCIs in the graph?
What collection interval for each DCI?
What graph refresh interval?


i am using verison 2.0-M2
i am using MySQL database
just 2 dci in the graph
i dont get the last 2 quiestion. i am doing 20 seconds polling interval with 30 days retention time.


anyone experiencing this problem? thanks!

Victor Kirhenshtein


seems to be a database performance problem. Do you have anything logged in MySQL slow query log? Check CPU usage and I/O on MySQL server when you request month graph.

Best regards,