Nodes appears to be UP when is down

Started by mpanter, August 04, 2015, 07:22:50 PM

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I have Linux workstations defined as nodes (no SNMP and no Client installed.)

I have set the interface state of the network interface to IGNORE for not receiving errors. I just want to see if node is up or down.

But Node-Status always shows 0 and in the Status Map it appears green. (even when i disconnect the client from the network physically)
State 0  is not the value I expected.

Is this the right behaviour or do I have to configure the node different to get the information?




You must not set ignore the interface's state. (set expected state to up)  So, you can see if node is up or down.


Actually, interface state and node's state are 2 different things.

Node is check every "status poll interval" for snmp and icmp reachability.
All interfaces statuses are also checked.

Then the most severe status is then set as the node status.

So if you set interfaces to IGNORE status, node will still be checked and proper alarms will be generated.

If they are not, something else is wrong with your setup, and we need to find out what.

Victor Kirhenshtein

Actually, there is a flaw in the logic of status poll. When there are no SNMP or NetXMS agent ob the node, server relies only on ICMP pings of interfaces. If all interfaces are down, node is considered down. Problem is that status poller checks status of interfaces, so interfaces with expected state set to ignore are effectively excluded from status calculation. Probably most correct solution would be to use interface operational state instead of status for determining if all interfaces are down.

Best regards,