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Alarm viewer filtering

Started by multix, August 05, 2015, 10:29:48 PM

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Can alarm viewer be filtered with alarm prefix?

Think that there is a node, and there may be some critic alerts (there may be multi node as this). But different persons must solve these problems. So, I want to filter each person's dashboard for only their jobs.

I thought about this and I can do this with a different way (create a node for each person, and create alarms for other machines on these nodes and show everybody only one node's alerts.) Disadvantage of this is when I want to go past for only one node, it will be more difficult.

I am wondering if there is any other way for this.



Perhaps I could not explain enough.

Example :

There is a server as a node in netxms. SQL server and IIS working on it.

There may be critical alarms as :

Disk Full,
Database Problem
IIS problem.

Each errors must be saw and solved by different persons.

If I can use alarm prefix filtering in Alarm viewer section, then I can show each error to only person who must solve it.

Alex Kirhenshtein

No, it's not possible.
You can, however, configure it in slightly different way:

Create nodes:
1) server1 (physical server, with correct IP)
2) IIS (node without IP address)
3) SQL Server (node without IP address)

In server1 properties, add IIS and "SQL Server" to trusted nodes list

Create corresponding DCIs on IIS and "SQL Server", for each one of them set "proxy node" (in DCI configuration, not in node configuration) to "server1".
This was DCIs will be collected on server1, but will be shown on IIS or SQL Server (same goes for alarms, etc.)

Then you can have multiple rules in EPP for IIS and SQL Server nodes.