Node Status return 5 (unknown)

Started by tivanni, June 06, 2013, 12:11:00 PM

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i have a server running FreeNAS under monitoring on Netxms. The host is always up and i can ping it from my pc or from the server where netxms is hosted , but "node down/up" alarm arrive to me...
If i check the status of the node, i see that many time the server is in state "unknow" or "critical" but i know that this is not true because i ping successfull the node all time from the server where netxms is hosted.
Moreover, i have actived snmp on the target, sometime it respond and sometime not...Else here, if i do "snmpwalk" from the server where netxms is host i get the MIB correctly.
I try to delete and recreate the node but nothing change.
Why the server status is not correctly detected?How can i fix?
In attachment the line chart of the status.

Thank you

Victor Kirhenshtein

Can you please get event history for this host and send it to me? (You can export log viewer content to CSV file in 1.2.7).

Best regards,



in attachment the export of the Event Log for the node.
After the 6 June the icmp ping of the node return stable, now only snmp pool don't work.
Thank you.