cisco-esw driver

Started by lindeamon, July 25, 2012, 12:07:34 PM

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hi victor,

many thanks for the driver, it works !!! but the layout is wrong. in this switch the upper row is numbered from 1-24 and the lower row is numbered 25-48 and the "ports" tab is showing the port as in real switch meaning that 1st upper port is 1 and 1st lower port is 2 instead of 25

Best Regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein

I'll try to fix it till next release.

Best regards,


hi victor,

this is some thing you can fix ?
i have to ask...
i have cisco catalyst 2970 and i have 2 rows of Ethernet ports and 4 optic ports layed  in one row yet i see them as extra 2 ports in each row instead of 1 row of 4 just like they are layed out this something you can do ? display the ports as they are physically layed out ?

Best Regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein

I start working on that. Support for correct layout will be gradually added to the drivers. This probably will be slow process, as it requires extensible knowledge and/or search on internet for physical port layout of different switch models. But we will move in right direction :)

Best regards,


hi victor,

again, i can get enough from this app and happy to give you a hand in making it better and better

Best Regards,