VPN: configuration and event correlation

Started by Dani@M3T, May 20, 2014, 11:43:07 AM

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We have a few VPN connections between our sites. So I set up the VPN connectors between the internet gateways using the old legacy console. These connectors are shown in the java console under the gateway nodes (as object class VPNConnector).
Since NetXMS 1.2.14 they have also an icon (but I don't know why with a questionmark on the icon) and they appears on Layer3-maps (that's fixed, thanks)

So I see still 2 issues with VPN connectors:

1. Configuration:
The VPN connectors are still not configurable in Java console (1.2.14), whether changes nor creation.

2. Event Correlation:
When a VPN tunnel goes down, we recieve from NetXMS one 'Node down' for the remote VPN gateway (=ok). But when the VPN tunnel goes up again, we allways get 'Node up' for every node on this remote site (=not ok). It seems the event correlation on 'down' is ok but not on 'up'.

Victor Kirhenshtein

Quote from: Dani@M3T on May 20, 2014, 11:43:07 AM
1. Configuration:
The VPN connectors are still not configurable in Java console (1.2.14), whether changes nor creation.

Yes, I forgot to add create VPN action in Java UI. Will fix it in next release.

Quote from: Dani@M3T on May 20, 2014, 11:43:07 AM
2. Event Correlation:
When a VPN tunnel goes down, we recieve from NetXMS one 'Node down' for the remote VPN gateway (=ok). But when the VPN tunnel goes up again, we allways get 'Node up' for every node on this remote site (=not ok). It seems the event correlation on 'down' is ok but not on 'up'.

currently node can have 3 states regarding connectivity (and so there are 3 events): down (event SYS_NODE_DOWN) - when server cannot contact the node and has no topology information for event correlation or it is really problem with that node; unreachable (SYS_NODE_UNREACHABLE) - when server knows that node cannot be contacted due to intermediate router/interface failure; and up (SYS_NODE_UP) - when node is reachable. So when node becomes unreachable, either SYS_NODE_DOWN or SYS_NODE_UNREACHABLE event is generated, depending on root cause. But when node became reachable again, SYS_NODE_UP being generated. I see two possible solutions - either add previous state indicator to SYS_NODE_UP event or create separate event for node returning from unreachable state - then you'll be able to distinguish between those two types of node up events.

Best regards,


Hi Victor

Sorry for the late reply.

for 1:
Ok so I hope everything for VPN connectors will be available in Java console in 1.2.15 and there is no need for the old console anymore.

for 2:
I can't say which solution is better (more powerfull, flexible and better integrated in the concept of NetXMS), but I tend to solution 1. Can you open this as a feature request for V1.2.15?


Victor Kirhenshtein


I also like solution 1 more. I just implemented it - starting with 1.2.15 SYS_NODE_UP event will have parameter at index 1 which will be set to 1 if node is returning from "unreachable" state and 0 if from "down".

Best regards,


Wow, thank's.
Is it possible to allready have the changed source file for tests? (as I allways compile from sources on Linux x64)


Victor Kirhenshtein


I've put console builds and source package from current development branch here: https://www.netxms.org/download/1.2.15-M1/. Feel free to try!

Best regards,


Thanks. I tried V1.2.15-M1. Compile ok, but in DB upgrading from version 321 to 322:
SQL query failed (42601 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "ALTERT"
LINE 1: ALTER TABLE users ALTERT COLUMN system_access TYPE bigint
ALTER TABLE users ALTERT COLUMN system_access TYPE bigint

Victor Kirhenshtein

Oops, typo in PostgreSQL query :( Run nxdbmgr with -X option and the run manually the following queries:

ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN system_access TYPE bigint;
ALTER TABLE user_groups ALTER COLUMN system_access TYPE bigint;

Best regards,


you mean?:
nxdbmgr -X upgrade? (that results in an endless loop)
i stopped this and then: nxdbmgr batch script.sql (where I copied the two lines in)
But netxmsd doesn't start

Victor Kirhenshtein

Try to execute manually query

UPDATE metadata SET var_value='322' WHERE var_name='SchemaVersion';

then netxmsd should start.

Best regards,


Hi Victor

Thank's for the fast help. Now it starts. Then I tested the new function with the new parameter of Event SYS_NODE_UP with a filter script ($1 != 1). Works exactly like expected! That will help me a lot! Now I revert to V1.2.14 again. For production I will wait for V1.2.15



to point 1 (configuration of VPN connectors in JAVA console):
Now there is a possibility to 'create' VPN connectors, but you can only specify a name of the connector and that's it. It's still not possible to configure the connector (peer node). In properties are only 'access control', 'comments', 'custom attributes' and 'status calculation'. So I still need the old console application.

to point 2 (event correlation):
The new parameter for SYS_NODE_UP is working as expected.