Export Topology Map?

Started by Phyllo, August 24, 2021, 07:53:59 PM

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I just started using netxms and I have been googling and searching for information regarding exporting the The Network Topology maps.
Is exporting possible to like a PDF or PNG or some type of format where I could view all the present information?

Reason I am asking is because it picked up so many devices initially here that the java running it is taking forever to move around the screen to get an idea of what I am looking at.


Filipp Sudanov

Are you using desktop console or web console?


Filipp Sudanov

Try using desktop console. It might work much faster with maps.
There also is an option to export map to image in desktop console.


gotcha, unfortunately this is a Server without a GUI, so that won't work in this case.
Good to know there is other options though.

Regarding the slowness, I found out it was Chrome causing the slowdown as soon as I switched to Waterfox/Firefox it was significantly faster.

Thanks though!

Filipp Sudanov

You can use the desktop app on any machine, not necessarily it should run on the server. It just connects to the server on TCP port 4701.


oh that's really cool then! Didn't know that. Sorry when I heard desktop app I assumed it had to be on the server direct.
I'll take a look. I appreciate the help!