Unable to terminate alarm

Started by Nomis, March 31, 2016, 09:44:38 AM

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A server was shut down when a customer moved from one place to another, and an expected "Node down" alarm turned up in the NetXMS Management Console.

When the server got back up at another place it had its IP address changed, and for unrelated reasons we have decided not to monitor this server anymore.

The problem now is that we are unable to terminate or in any other way get rid of the alarm. When we try to terminate it (or manage it in any other way), there's an error message:

Title: "Probelm Occurred"
Message: "'Terminate alarms' has encountered a problem. Cannot terminate alarm: Invalid alarm ID" (The Details section only repeats the last sentence.)

(I've found two threads on this problem, one from 2008 and one from 2013, but neither discloses the solution.)


Restarting the Core-service at the NetXMS server made the alarm go away. This time it was easy. :-)