NetSVC limitation in size of WebService's Reply

Started by MSchneider, August 09, 2023, 03:54:15 PM

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I've jsut upgraded from 4.2 to 4.4, thus implicitly migrating from PortCheck to NetSVC.

One of my HTTPS-WebService-Objects went into (and stayed in) status CRITICAL.
Multiple other HTTPS-WebService-Objects are absolutely fine (status NORMAL), even the other one on the same Web-Server...

...I think, it might be related to the Size of the actual Reply of queried WebService (446238 Bytes for the failed case).
I created a nearly empty text-file "test.txt" on the Web-Server (with content "success") for the HTTPS-WebService-Object to query, which succeeded with the check and the status changed back to NORMAL.

Is there such a limitations with NetSVC?

Best regards,
Manuel Schneider

PS.: Please find an excerpt of nxagent-LOG with debug level 9 in the attachments, as well as the output of "curl --head" for the same WebService.

Filipp Sudanov


There should not be length limitation, I've just tried 500000 byte log web page and it works fine.

Possible reason could be that libcurl, on which NetSVC is based is checking tls certificates. The curl output that you provided - was that curl executed on the same system where netxms agent is running?


Yes, it was from the same host...
...for my current workaround I just modified the Request-Portion in the Settings of the NetworkService-Object by appending the filename of the aforementioned txt-file:

Doens't work: host.domain.tld:/
Workaround: host.domain.tld:/test.txt