Cannot load MIB file from Server

Started by thafener, January 29, 2016, 12:19:33 PM

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Hi @all

Upgraded our NetXMS System to 2.01 which is running on Windows 2012 R2 with XAMPP
and get a error message every time I am opening the console:

Message is :
"Load MIB file on startup" has encountered a problem. Cannot load MIB file from server.
File I/O operation failed ?

Found forum entries that netxms.mip is not in the correct path but I cannot find this
file at all on our system.

Thanks for your help in advance


Victor Kirhenshtein


on Windows it should be located in C:\NetXMS\var (or <install path>\var if you install server into non-standard location). You can compile it yourself by running

nxmibc -z -d C:\NetXMS\share\mibs -o C:\NetXMS\var\netxms.mib

Best regards,


Thank you Victor

I have tried the suggested step but there seems to be something wrong with some of the Mib's.
I get a error message like this one here :

BN-LOG-MESSAGE-MIB: ERROR 001: Import symbol "bnLogMsg" unresolved

Tried to temporarily remove this Mib from the directory but then the job gets stuck on another

Any clue ?

KInd regards



Some MIBS are dependent on others so when you run into those issues you have to look in the mib and find all its dependencies for instance generally near the top of the mib you find these IMPORT statments    generally the standard and RFC MIBS   are included in the netxms mibs folder.

*Note this mib only imports from RFC which should be fine and not give an error

                    enterprises, OBJECT-TYPE, NetworkAddress, IpAddress,                 
                    Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks
                    FROM RFC1155-SMI
                    ifIndex, ipAdEntAddr, ipRouteDest, tcpConnLocalAddress,
                    tcpConnLocalPort, tcpConnRemAddress, tcpConnRemPort
                    FROM RFC1213-MIB;

*Note this mib imports from a standard mib as well but also from another vendor mib RUGGEDCOM-MIB so if i did not include the RUGGEDCOM-MIB in the folder i would recieve the error of not being able to resolve
    OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32              FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    DisplayString                    FROM SNMPv2-TC
    OBJECT-GROUP                  FROM SNMPv2-CONF   
    ruggedcomMgmt                  FROM RUGGEDCOM-MIB;

also post the mibs your are trying to import  and i can see if i get the same issues