Set snmpAuthName via API: Variable not found

Started by mashedpotatorocket, February 15, 2022, 05:14:19 PM

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I'm trying to set the community name (snmpAuthName) on a node via the web api, using PowerShell, but the response is: "Variable not found"
Other attributes works fine, I can set snmpPort and snmpVersion, just not snmpAuthName.

When googling I stumpled on a previous bugfix (NX-2150) that pretty much reminds of this problem, however that was for version 3.9.334, and I'm on 4.0.2092.

Any ideas on what might be the problem?

Best regards,


Filipp Sudanov

The reason is that for some historical reasons of how communication with nxmc was build before web api ever existed, in some places several fields should be present in one request.

For snmpAuthName you also have to set snmpAuthPassword, snmpPrivPassword, snmpAuthMethod, snmpPrivMethod.

I've added comments in the documentation on this.


Works perfectly, thanks for clarifying this.
