Monitoring bandwidth usage

Started by fj89j, September 19, 2013, 06:14:49 PM

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I am monitoring a lot of interfaces on a lot of different devices and whilst putting these into graphs works really well, I'd like to be alerted if say "Interface A has been running at over 90Mbps for the last five minutes".

How would this be accomplished in NetXMS?

Thanks in advance

Victor Kirhenshtein


You can put threshold on DCIs you have created for interfaces, and process generated event to produce notification you need. You can use this tutorial as an example:

Best regards,


This is perfect, thank you. No idea how I missed that.

Just as a side question here, have you any plans to support NetFlow at all?

Quote from: Victor Kirhenshtein on September 20, 2013, 08:59:21 AM

You can put threshold on DCIs you have created for interfaces, and process generated event to produce notification you need. You can use this tutorial as an example:

Best regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein

Quote from: fj89j on September 21, 2013, 01:10:47 PM
This is perfect, thank you. No idea how I missed that.

Just as a side question here, have you any plans to support NetFlow at all?

Yes, we plan to dd NetFlow support. In fact, we already have collector in place, but analyzer part is missing :)

Best regards,
