Database Connection Pool exhausted, fallback connection used

Started by sperlm, February 13, 2014, 03:30:15 PM

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   this problem is probably what caused (and still is the cause of) my problems with creating Network Maps. Maybe not but whenever server is restarted, there are normal messages in the logfile. As soon as I try to create new map (and fail due to timeout) log starts filling with this message "Database Connection Pool exhausted, fallback connection used".

We are running NetXMS 1.2.10 and MySQL 5.1.69, both on the same CentOS machine.

What can be the problem ?

With regards
Milan Sperl

edit: the messages start appearing anyway, restarted sql and checked database (no direct connection to the map creation problem)


"Database Connection Pool exhausted, fallback connection used" is more like a warning that the connection pool has insufficient size and additional connection to database needs to be established. Maybe it is a consequence of some other problem, but as far as I know, this alone should not cause client request timeout.
Size of the connection pool is controlled by server configuration variable ConnectionPoolMaxSize, message should disappear if you increase it.
When I leave it at the default size, this message appears about 5 times during the netxms start in my setup.

Hope it helps,


Thanks for the pointer to ConnectionPoolMaxSize, tried increasing to 50 (from 20) and it looks like it stopped the message. Too bad it is not tied to the timeout problem with network maps.

Few months back this message wasnt appearing which worries me a bit because apart from reducing number of DCI and history the only major change I can think of is turning on the syslog server.

Will have to keep on testing, too bad the network creation sometimes works great but most of the time there is the timeout problem - what is really strange, creating layer 2 topology from a node opens network map stright ahead...