Gauge – Dial type setup

Started by Nagav, August 05, 2015, 12:49:03 PM

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In Gauge – Dial type, I have following setting
Min value as 0.0
Max value as 250.0
Left red zero end as 0.0
Left yellow zero end as 0.0
Right yellow zone start as 150.0
Right red zone start as 200.0
With above setting I got dial as
0 to 150 – with green color
150 to 200 – with yellow color
200 to 250 – with red color
But I have requirement where I need to get
0 to 150 – with red color
150 to 200 – with yellow color
200 to 250 – with green color
What value I need to change to get dial with above my requirement? Is it possible? In our case as the value decrease it is more risk and its color should be red.

Victor Kirhenshtein


you should set:

left red end at 150;
left yellow end at 200;
right yellow start at 250;
right red start at 250;

Best regards,


Hi Victor

Thanks, it works



Possibly an error?
I need to do color management like this:
0 - red
1 - red
2 - yellow
3 - green
The variable takes one of the fixed values - 0,1,2,3
If you do it as in the example above, it doesn't work. at value 3 the indicator is red, not green
Current settings are below, not working as expected. My wish - is to make the names of the fields more precise in future releases. Now their purpose and behavior of the system is not clear.

Filipp Sudanov

It's kinda a rare case to use color zones with values exactly on the edge of zones. The logic seems to be, with your settings, that:
left red is from 0.0 till 1.0 (including it)
left yellow is from 1.0 (excluding) till 2.0 (including)
but on the right it's opposite and red stars from 3.0 (including) and till the end of the dial, which is again 3.0

Just use 3.01 for right yellow and red zones


I still don't understand the meaning of these text labels - but thanks, with the value set to 3.1 everything worked.