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Access webpages from NetXMS IP

Started by mjk, April 12, 2022, 05:56:19 PM

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As we add more devices to monitor, we are locking down devices to our NetXMS IP address.
This means we can poll firewall, routers, internet side systems, but cannot access the web interface of the devices, i dont want to create a VPN to the system unless i have to, and was wondering if somehow when i click connect (https) it can come from the NetXMS WAN ip, not mine?


Filipp Sudanov

There is EnableTCPProxy parameter in agent config file.
And there's a demo java app that uses this functionality:

The idea is that this java app connects to the server using same protocol that nxmc uses. Then this app can establish tcp tunnel via the agent. And if I remember correctly, the test app just opens a tcp port locally that corresponds to the tunneled port.

There's a forum post with more details: