Joining SNMP tables?

Started by szabolcs, September 17, 2021, 08:41:15 AM

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I've two SNMP tables one has info from Access points (AP MAC, AP Name), the other has info all the clients connected to the wireless. The latter only has the AP MAC not the name, would like to create a view/table where I can see the name of the AP the clients are connected to .
Can you recommend a good solution ?

thank you


OK, what i did in the end:
I grabbed my Clients table and added a column for APName. If i added without OID it broke the table, returned no rows. So I had to include a valid OID as dummy.
In the transformation script i looked up my AP table for the names and replaced the values in this newly created column.

Works ok, though have the feeling there is a better way. :D