
Started by Dani@M3T, June 26, 2014, 10:08:40 AM

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I tried to use the internal DCI ConditionStatus() on a node to read the status of a condition. As I read in the forum the node must be in the trusted node list of the condition. But there is no trusted node list in condition (V1.2.14).
And what is the argument of ConditionStatus()? The condition "name" or the "Object ID"?

Victor Kirhenshtein

It could be either condition object ID or name - if number is given server will interpret it as ID otherwise as name. If condition name is a number then you should use object ID :)

It's a bug that "Trusted nodes" is not shown for condition object. Just fixed it in development branch. As a workaround you can use legacy console to edit condition's trusted nodes list.

Best regards,


Ok, thank's. The workaround with legacy console is absolutely ok.


I can confirm it's fixed in V1.2.15.