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syslog parser

Started by mcc, June 28, 2014, 12:19:45 AM

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I'm attempting to create a syslog parser without much success. So far I have:

- Verified syslog messages are being correctly received by the server. I can see many events in the syslog monitor from my devices.
- Created an Event Configuration item with ID 100002
- Created a new syslog parser with the following configuration:

<parser name="">
         <event params="0">100002</event>

- Created an Event Processing policy with the following information:
Condition -> Events match 100002
Condition -> Severity Filter all items checked
Action -> Alarm create new alarm with an alarm timeout of 600 seconds

This configuration results in nothing occurring. Any insight into this would be appreciated.


I couldn't get this working with the built-in syslog server. So, I disabled that and configured the OS syslog server to accept remote connections. I then configured LogWatch on the agent and created a parser file et al.

That setup works without issue for me. Not the cleanest implementation, but certainly doable.


i have a problem with syslog too. netxms 1.2.14 on w2k8r2 dont catch any syslog message