ctalyst driver

Started by lindeamon, January 08, 2012, 04:57:21 PM

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i have tested this driver and it seems to be working fine but the only ports that i get info on like "find switch port" are ports related or connected to other switches.
solarwinds have a program called lan surveyor and it shows the end node and where it's connected to and through which port,does netxms able to that using the driver or some dev. is in place to do that ?


Victor Kirhenshtein


You should be able to find switch ports for end nodes as well. Try to select some node connected directly to the switch and run "Find switch port". It should display correct switch port. If it will not, this situation requires further investigation, because it is supposed to find correct port.

Best regards,


hi victor,

i have selected a server physicaly connemcted to a switch.
i can see all the switch info but when i try to find the switchport of the server i get "connection point information cannot be found".
now, the server is with the latest agent and it's snmp is enabled and the server was working through the night so i believe it had a lot of time to discover what it needs.
what is missing ?
do i have to have special config for the switch ? does the server use broadcast or unicast or anything to discover the ports and the connected endpoints ?

Best Regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein

Server uses switch forwarding database to find end node connection. Could you please execute Tools -> Info -> Switch forwarding database tool on your switch and check that node's MAC address is on the list?

Best regards,


hi victor,

the node's mac address is not present there.
i have checked another switch which is connected to this switch and the db forw. shows mac addresses of other switches connected to it so it seems that endpoint computers connected to the switch sre not shown

Best Regards,


hi victor,

any news on this subject ?

Best Regards,



hi victor,

i have managed to operate this feature but there are problems.
snmp enabled devices like ibm ip kvm and ibm tape library which are connected to switches with drivers are not found,why is that ?

Best Regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein


Quote from: lindeamon on July 23, 2012, 11:12:44 PM
snmp enabled devices like ibm ip kvm and ibm tape library which are connected to switches with drivers are not found,why is that ?

Sorry, I'm not clearly understand the question - drivers not found for tape library, etc. or for switches?

Best regards,


hi victor,

i want to use the "find switch port" function and i have discovered that it does not work on all nodes.if i am not mistaken, in order to be able to find a port of a node the node must be snmp enabled and it's mac addr listed in the switch and i have understood that from playing around.
now, my problem is that i have a tape library which is connected to a switch and it is snmp enabled with snmp v2c and yet i can not find it's port.this tape library is connected to a cisco switch which is discovered using the catalyst-generic driver meaning that the switch is fully managed by netxms.
i hope this is clarifying the question

Best Regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein


Are you using 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 already? There was a major fixes and improvements regarding MAC address search in 1.2.2. If 1.2.2 is not working, can you please check MAC address table on your Cisco switch and ensure that it contains entry for your tape library?

Best regards,


hi victor,

of course i am using 1.2.2  ;D
i will do the check again and let you know

Best Regards,