Nodes being discovered but not showing in gui

Started by jtgjsmith, July 19, 2022, 06:17:51 PM

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Hi all,

We've installed the latest version and found that new nodes that get discovered are not showing anywhere in the system but seem to be being noted in the database. When you then go to manually add the node it gives a conflict error with the node name of the IP address. Attached is part of the logs which show it seeming to work in the background and creating a node ID but it never appears anywhere. Also attached is a screenshot of it showing a conflict. Not sure if this is a bug or we're doing something wrong but this seems to be happening since he latest patch.

Victor Kirhenshtein


it could be access control issue - maybe account you are using don't have access to those nodes. Discovered nodes will appear in "Entire Network" tree under appropriate subnet. You can try to login with user "system" and check - this user always has access to all objects, so you should see them or be able to find.

Best regards,