Number of Devices and Logical Containers

Started by djamp42, September 24, 2013, 06:13:40 PM

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Looking to replace Whats Up Gold and I stumbled across this. At first glance it seems awesome, i've installed it and it's monitoring my local network.

1) How many devices has NetXMS been tested with, i have between 7,000-10,000 devices. Mostly will just monitor ICMP but will use SNMP on alot of it also. It's all networking gear so i have little need for the agent.

2) The Network Discovery seems very useful, however once it's discovered I want to logically but devices in containers that represent locations. For Example

Site Core -> Switch,Firewall,Router,ect

Site Core -> Comm Room 1 -> Switch01, Switch02, Access Point 01, ect

Site Core -> Comm Room 2 -> Switch01, Switch 02, Access Point, ect

It seems like NetXMS is geared towards grouping devices in subnets, and that is very useful, but for my application i need to group them by location also. I was wondering what is the best way of doing this. I created containers under Infrastructure Services, like my example above, but it seems like i'm not doing it right. Just a example of what i should do would be helpful.

Thanks again for the awesome product!

Victor Kirhenshtein


There are two options for grouping devices. First is manual - you can select "Bind" from any container popup menu, and select nodes you want to put into this container. Second option is to setup automatic binding. To do that, you should open container's properties and write your filtering script on "Automatic Bind Rules" page. Script will be called for each node during configuration poll and should return TRUE for nodes that should be placed into container. There are examples of the scripts on the forum and in wiki:

Best regards,