Event Script issues

Started by Victor Wiebe, August 13, 2015, 10:24:00 PM

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Victor Wiebe

I'm using the nxevent binary to insert a custom alert onto the console. Everything looks like it really should be working. The event shows up in the Event Monitor but an alarm does not show up in the Alarm Browser. I'm running this command manually:

/usr/bin/nxevent -u admin -P adminPassword '100002' 'clientName' 'businessUnit' 'ALERT' 'Alarm ID 1890000  Alarm goes here!' 'Critical' 'Custom.alarm.key'

All the information and command line arguments are correct. The event processing policy - id 100002 - calls a script named NXEvent::Raw.

I see these entries in the netxmsd.log file when I enter the command:

[13-Aug-2015 15:19:26.613] [DEBUG] [CLSN-1] RecvNXCPMessageEx failed (0)
[13-Aug-2015 15:19:26.613] [DEBUG] *actions* Executing action 3 (NXEVENT::Raw) of type NXSL SCRIPT
[13-Aug-2015 15:19:26.613] [DEBUG] *actions* Executing NXSL script "NXEVENT::Raw"
[13-Aug-2015 15:19:26.614] [DEBUG] ExecuteActionScript(): Cannot find script NXEVENT::Raw

NXEVENT::Raw is certainly there. Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot?

Victor Wiebe

So I did some further digging and discovered that the issue was of my own doing. I had a syntax error in the script. Correcting that resolved my own problem.