Kiosk and supervision screen only

Started by touton, June 17, 2013, 11:42:41 PM

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We would like to use netxms to provide a supervision Dashboards. I've started to create maps with equipment photos and status on top.

What are you using to do this (maps ?)? What is the best to display (html connection or full java console) ?

Is there a way to rotate screens (ie: switch some parts of the screen to see different info/room ?) ?
Is there a way to change dasboard screen when an alert is raised ? (an alert occured, and all the screens are switching to a view of the error DCI)
Is there a way to create icons depending on object status (we use labels, but sizeable lights would be easier to integrate on photos)

What is the use of rack object in Infrastructure Services ?
What is the best use of geo location ? (ie: I have multiple objects at the same location, do I use a container ?) ?

Thanks for your feedback.

Victor Kirhenshtein


Quote from: touton on June 17, 2013, 11:42:41 PM
What are you using to do this (maps ?)? What is the best to display (html connection or full java console) ?

I recommend using Java console - it looks nicer and work faster. There are options in Java console for auto login:

Quote from: touton on June 17, 2013, 11:42:41 PM
Is there a way to rotate screens (ie: switch some parts of the screen to see different info/room ?) ?

You can create dashboard which contains other dashboards and configure rotation. (Create new dashboard object, add single element of type "Dashboard", open it's properties, and add dashboards you want to rotate to the list. You can also set delay between changing screen here.)

Quote from: touton on June 17, 2013, 11:42:41 PM
Is there a way to change dasboard screen when an alert is raised ? (an alert occured, and all the screens are switching to a view of the error DCI)


Quote from: touton on June 17, 2013, 11:42:41 PM
Is there a way to create icons depending on object status (we use labels, but sizeable lights would be easier to integrate on photos)

No, with current map implementation you can only see different colors beneath object icon.

Quote from: touton on June 17, 2013, 11:42:41 PM
What is the use of rack object in Infrastructure Services ?

It's not done yet. Idea is to provide easy to configure rack view - each node will have rack image and rack position attribute, so after you add it to rack object it will be displayed in correct position automatically. We plan to implement this in 1.2.9 release.

Quote from: touton on June 17, 2013, 11:42:41 PM
What is the best use of geo location ? (ie: I have multiple objects at the same location, do I use a container ?) ?

It mostly useful for mobile devices (we have monitoring agent for Android-based devices, so you can track their location on map). For many non-mobile objects in one location it's better to use container and set geo location attribute for the container.

Best regards,


QuoteYou can create dashboard which contains other dashboards and configure rotation. (Create new dashboard object, add single element of type "Dashboard", open it's properties, and add dashboards you want to rotate to the list. You can also set delay between changing screen here.)
Seems to do the job, one question, I've create a dashboard to host network map. When it is displayed, I have no background, and icons are not setup like within the network map (I know that there's a bug with display settings storage not located in the map). Any idea ?

QuoteNo, with current map implementation you can only see different colors beneath object icon
Any schedule for creating decoration or other object with color selection linked to object status ? (it might be usefull for ATM monitoring ;) )

Last thing : is there a way to send events to java console (like force opening X view) ? Thaks to this, it would be possible to change view when an event occurs.

Victor Kirhenshtein

Quote from: touton on June 18, 2013, 12:48:36 PM
QuoteYou can create dashboard which contains other dashboards and configure rotation. (Create new dashboard object, add single element of type "Dashboard", open it's properties, and add dashboards you want to rotate to the list. You can also set delay between changing screen here.)
Seems to do the job, one question, I've create a dashboard to host network map. When it is displayed, I have no background, and icons are not setup like within the network map (I know that there's a bug with display settings storage not located in the map). Any idea ?

This is bug in console. It's already fixed, version 1.2.8 will work as expected.

Quote from: touton on June 18, 2013, 12:48:36 PM
QuoteNo, with current map implementation you can only see different colors beneath object icon
Any schedule for creating decoration or other object with color selection linked to object status ? (it might be usefull for ATM monitoring ;) )

I'll add this to feature request list, but don't expect it in 1.2.8.

Quote from: touton on June 18, 2013, 12:48:36 PM
Last thing : is there a way to send events to java console (like force opening X view) ? Thaks to this, it would be possible to change view when an event occurs.

No, it's not possible. You can create your own plugin which will listen to events coming from server and do necessaey view switching :) Also, this will be a bit simpler when we add Python scripting support in console (similar like it's done now in nxshell tool).

Best regards,
