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MIB Browser problem

Started by jonasc, April 19, 2016, 12:36:27 PM

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I'm fairly new to netxms so I might miss something very obvious here.

I have compiled mibs through nxmibc on the Windows machine that we have netxms installed on.
Compilation went fine.

With the management console I selected [MIB Browser], for the device I want to work with, but I can't see the named OIDs that I expect.
If I do an SNMP walk the the OIDs are sure found by the MIB browser but only the numbers.
The browser tree is not poplulated with the new information from the compiled MIBs.

I have hit the refresh button several times, restarted console, run the import twice etc but I'm out of ideas now.

What am I missing?
Thanks in advance


Please see attached screenshot.
OID . is defined (ofcourse)
.12740.x.x.x.x is found through snmp walk but not defined in the navigation tree as you can see.

I sense I'm missing something obvious but I don't know what...

Victor Kirhenshtein


did you put compiled MIB file into correct location? Also, console synchronize MIB file only on startup, so you need to re-login after updating it.

Best regards,


I compiled it into c:\netxms\mibs\netxms.mib
It popped up there after the comilation was made.

And yes, I have re-logged in.

How do I know where the console client looks for the MIB?
Is the path above default?

Victor Kirhenshtein

It should be C:\NetXMS\var\netxms.mib

Best regards,


First I omitted -o on the compiler, thinking that it defaulted to the right place.
That was my first mistake. I redirected to c:\netxms\var\netxms.mib so that part was ok after that.

Still it didn't work so I found out that the MIB-files-chain was broken from Equallogic.
I did some troubleshooting among all references in every file and found the problem.

So, the problem was twofolded...
Thanks for your quick response and getting me on track.


I have the same Problem.
I want to see the OID as text and not as number.
What have you done?
Thank you