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CreateNode and Zones

Started by Victor Wiebe, August 05, 2014, 07:47:38 PM

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Victor Wiebe

Is there anyway to use CreateNode to create a node inside a specific zone?

Victor Wiebe

Here is some more information as to what I'm trying to accomplish.

I am using NetXMS as an Event Management station. We're using it very well, in fact, and we're very happy with it. So far we are receiving events from our internal network via snmp trap and syslog, and I am also using nxevent to push custom events from other outside sources. When a trap is received from a node that netxms does not have in its configuration we even have automation to auto-create the node without snmp capabilities.

Now we are being asked to receive events from external networks that have overlapping/conflicting ip networks (it's all private networking in the range). For right or wrong there are conflicts beyond my control.

I am thinking that using Zones might be the best way to do this (if there is a better method I'm not too proud to change my plans). So after going through the documentation it looks like I need to do a few things:

1) Install a remote nxagent to act as a proxy
2) Add the nxagent as a managed node in my primary netxms console
3) Create a zone with the nxagent as proxy

So I suppose my questions are thus:

1) Do I send the traps for the new conflicting network devices to the nxagent or the console?
2) Knowing that I will still need to create the node on the fly using CreateNode, is it possible to create the Node inside a specific zone?

Thanks for the help!