Cannot place Objects on an imported image...

Started by mandoerik, November 03, 2015, 11:05:28 AM

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I'm trying to place network objects on an imported background image (map, jpeg, I have also tried a transparent png). I have turned off grid, and snap to grid but the objects "flies" down to the bottom of the page and when I drag and hover it over the image to place it, it disappears, when I drop it it doesn't end up where I want it, I have to zoom out and I then find it at the bottom of the page or somewhere outside the image.
Am I using wrong format of the imported image?
I was then thinking that I could use Map Background/Geographic map and as my NetXMS is not connected to the internet I tried to figure out how to use offline maps, but I couldn't figure that out, is that even possible?

Victor Kirhenshtein


are you using desktop or web client?
As for geo maps, you can setup local tile server ( and chenge server configuration parameter TileServerURL to point to your local tile server.

Best regards,


Hi Victor!

Sorry for my late reply....
I've tried both the desktop (NetXMS Console) and the web-client, same problem. Thank you so much for the information on the tile server solution :)


Hi Victor!

I'm up and running with my tile-server but I can't seem to get it to work with the NetXMS. I can go to my tile-servers webpage with an html link and zoom in and out, but how is the connection supposed to look like in the section TileServerURL?



Victor Kirhenshtein


tile server URL should provide tiles at <url>/zoom/x/y.png.

For example, top level tile (zoom 0) at Open Street maps available at so default value for tile server is

Best regards,


Ok, then it seems that I've done right but I get an error message saying...
"An internal error occurred during:"Download Map Tiles".
Requested array size exceeds: VM limit"

I run NetXMS on a windows 2008 and the tile-server on a Ubuntu 14.04.1

Thanks for helping out :)

Victor Kirhenshtein


that means client application (or application server in case of web UI) problem. Try to increase value of -Xmx option for JVM (for desktop applicaton it is in nxmc.ini).

Best regards,


Yes! Thank you so much for your help Victor, it works  :D
The only thing is that I sometimes have to rescale the explorer window for the map background to show. Tried Firefox but the behaviour is the same.

You're the boss!
